Discover the Kaira difference

With qualifieds experts worldwide, our very experienced and cost-effective management team ensures your enjoyment of your yacht is first-class, wherever you are in the world.

Service package tailored to fit your precise needs

Our management team provide a comprehensive tailored service across the board, including a proven 24-hour emergency response service, berthing, operational management, technical support, crew, accounts, safety and security. You are never on your own with Kaira.

Personalised service from a dedicated yacht manager

Providing a direct link between you and our entire team, your personal yacht manager ensures all operational, technical and financial needs are handled with the utmost discretion. The safety of your yacht, guests and crew is our highest priority...


We provide expert in-house services to maximise the enjoyment and minimise the risks and liabilities of yacht ownership, control the costs of operation and protect your investment..